--GB-ICSthemed ROM v1

A little more poking around led me to ROM at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=32367234&postcount=632 which is the same ICS themed ROM that I'd taken out after a short spell, but with some more functionality. The file manager and Google Market (not Google Play) apps are included to say the least. Flashing was smooth. This ROM retained the pleasant boot image of the blue power button on a black background, and also changed the boot up animation to a simple "android". This is better than the KARBONN provided animation was a bit too flashy.

Overall this ROM is much better and can be considered viable for the long term. One of the useful apps insltalled included the File Manager that could track down all the apk files in the SD card, and install them.directly, withoug going to Google Play. This was a significant find. I later found that Root Uninstaller also had this feature. Another app was the Rebooter which could alter the power down menu to include reboot options as well. Barring the Chinese characters in the Calendar app, this is a well polished work which can be a real alternative to the stock ROM. The Holo launcher is still here, though.  Which I find inferior to Go Launcher.

The issues which I didn't like
1. The colour theme ( especially for the status bar and quick control panel ),
2. One thing which I noticed that I didn't in the stock ROM was the increased frequency with which the network was lost. Not sure if this is due to the ROM itself, or a new development regarding the network coverage in my area.

I was impressed by the reassigning of the search button to power off the display (saves the power button from wear), and reassigning the Vol button to reactivate the display (saves the power button from wear).

While we are on the topic of network loss, it is important to point out that Karbonn has really botched the dual standby feature. ON my phone I have noticed that if data transfers are active over one SIM, the calls to the other SIM Do not get through. Secondly, if the data transfers go on for a bit long continuously, the SIM icon actually becomes greyed out - as if that SIM were disabled. So, KARBONN users need to check for this "defect" and warn potential buyers as well if this is confirmed. Under the circumstances, it is best to buy single SIM phones. If you already do have a dual SIM Phone, disable data transfer till necessary. And avoid downloading large files.


  1. How to revert to the stock ROM? I don't like any of these.
    Please help. How do i revert to original?

  2. Orginal os was also here karbonn service center. Pl dont apply another os on xda. Its very fall. I am already tried but still so many problem on my karbonn a5.

  3. U want orginal os for karbonn a5 or a7. Follow this,,, first download cwm English. And install u r karbonn a5 or a7 ( note: only this possible for pc-usb-a5 or a7) then after take another a5 or a7 same cwm install that mobile. Take ur own sd card insert that moile. Pl on recovery mod that mean cwm. Go to backup option . Select backup and wait still going orginal os on ur sd card. After complete that back up, take ur

  4. Sd card then insert that ur mobile and go to cwm select restor option select(ex:543210113) that until wait orginal a5 gb 2.3.6 insalled. Then go back reboot ur phone. Enjoy. This is my own idea allredy i was used this method.
