

The sole source of info for this blog was the thread dedicated to the Karbonn A5 (and A7) smartphone at forum.xda-developers.com ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1788936 ). Everything that is needed to ROOT and MOD the A5 is there, if you have the patience to trawl through the many posts. A huge thanks to all those who contributed their time and knowledge there. We, the end users of Karbonn A5 will remain indebted for the selfless service.

What I have done below is collate info from those relevant posts that pertain specifically to A5 and its rooting and modding process. Please note this is a layman's description of a tech issue, so expect errors.

1 comment:

  1. Hi ,
    I have a karbonn a5. I rot it from xda.. i forgot to back up costom rom. I not continue with this rom....
    And i need backup of a5's costom rom....please if you have upload it
    ..please plese pease...

